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Should i go for half unit increment insulin pen?



Beiträge: 1

Daten zum Kind:
Geschlecht: Mädchen
Geburtsjahr: 2017
Therapieform: CT (Konventionelle Therapie 2-4 Spritzen am Tag)
Private Nachricht
19 Okt. 2020 11:04 #114823 von smileysupriti
Should i go for half unit increment insulin pen? wurde erstellt von smileysupriti
My daughter is of 3 yrs old and recently she detected with type diabetes. Since i am using CT (daily 4 injections, 3 mealtime boluses (Novarapid) and 1 basal (Lantus) at evening. Her dose is very low at the moment maybe due to her sensitivity to insulin (7-8 Units total). As I use Novapen 4 and Sanofi Allstar pen both the pens have an increment of 1 unit I have observed when i inject 1 unit insulin (Bolus) sugar value does not drop much but when i inject 2 units sugars go down below 70 mg/dl sometimes below 60mg/dl.

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Beiträge: 6878

Daten zum Kind:
Geschlecht: Mädchen
Geburtsjahr: 1998
Therapieform: CSII + CGM (Zugelassenes Closed Loop Insulinpumpensystem mit Glukosesensor)
Private Nachricht
19 Okt. 2020 14:41 #114825 von WebAdmin
Hi smileysupriti,

sorry, this is not an English language forum, so you may not get a reply.
Let me suggest to move on to an English language forum.

Best regards to India

Michael Bertsch

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Beiträge: 22

Daten zum Kind:
Geschlecht: Junge
Geburtsjahr: 2015
Therapieform: CSII + CGM (Insulinpumpentherapie mit Glukosesensor)
Private Nachricht
19 Okt. 2020 20:33 #114828 von Anaid
I unfortunately can't really help you.
But due to a lack of fine adjustment with using a pen, here in Germany insulin pump therapy is preferred with very young children (bolus delivery possible in small units/little insulin)...
Do you have any chance to receive a pump? It's much easier to deal with a little kid's diabetes using a pump.

Anyhow, I would rather go for high blood sugar levels than risk hypoglycaemia - so I personally would go for less Insulin instead of continuously fighting hypoglycaemia...

Good Luck!

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Diamant Schreiber
Diamant Schreiber

Beiträge: 3664

Daten zum Kind:
Geschlecht: Mädchen
Geburtsjahr: 2009
Therapieform: CSII + CGM (Zugelassenes Closed Loop Insulinpumpensystem mit Glukosesensor)
Private Nachricht
19 Okt. 2020 23:43 #114829 von Cheffchen
"Novopen Echo" da 0,5 U


Nächstes Treffen 20.04.2024, Berlin Marzahn/Ahrensfelde

Suche aus/in/um Berlin Kids bzw. Eltern für vielleicht mal auf eine Diät Cola ;O).
tslim x2 CIQ / Dexcom BYODA / xDrip / Nightscout

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Platinum Schreiber
Platinum Schreiber

Beiträge: 255

Daten zum Kind:
Geschlecht: Junge
Geburtsjahr: 2018
Therapieform: CSII + CGM (Zugelassenes Closed Loop Insulinpumpensystem mit Glukosesensor)
Private Nachricht
24 Okt. 2020 22:53 #114852 von S123
Hey there,

When we have been in hospital we had to wait some days for the pump, so we used Pens either. The Doctor and all clinical persons around said, that pens are not that good for small children because of the medication you can only dose in 0.5 steps. Unfortunately the Pens are not that reliable when only give 0.5 Units. So they forced us to always do 2 times a Pen-Test (just push the pen in the air to see if it is working) before we inject with the pen.

After "stabilisation" in the time after hospital, the need of insulin in generous fell continously.

We are glad to have a Pump to be really flexible. So we can give units in 0,025 steps. And in case of emergency because of heavy falling values we can reduce the basal Insulin (in contrast to the Levemir, which you can't take away, after daily injection).

In the first time, when we had really bad settings it often saved our ass, when he dropped down fast and didn't or couldn't eat anymore.

Do you use a CGM- System?

Best regards!!

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